Spring Gardening

Happy spring!

My dear neighbor's garden looks fantastic.
The flowers are blooming.
And the grass is definitely greener than ours. ╮(๑•́ ₃•̀๑)╭

I moved in my hubby's house last year and it was the first time I had a garden of my own. My neighbor gave me some seeds and taught me gardening skills last year but it didn't turn out well. I wish I could keep trying and learning this spring. But I have to give up our backyard because of the pregnancy. I don't have much time and energy to deal with it. I appreciate my neighbor who is a very nice lady. I also appreciate her backyard. I feel joy every time by looking at hers.

I hope your project will be a success if you do gardening this spring. And I'd be happy if you share with me some fun stories about it.


  1. WOW,很喜歡這個景,很像春天快要到的樣子,可惜KRIN這裡還是大雪汾飛,離春天還很遠呢....

    1. 这个叫做Pokey,在ebay上搜Pokey miniature就有,我买的是2.5inch的,一般$10左右一组,还有个绿色小人~

  2. 好靚的背景呢,花同草size 都唔怕太大,又colourful

  3. Lovely photos, the doll looks so cute in her furry hat! :3

  4. What cute photos! I agree the hat is so lovely!

  5. Cute photos! I like hearing about your gardening. You'll have time for that later. :-) xo Jennifer

  6. 好鍾意這兩張相, 雖則簡簡單單幾件食玩, 但效果好真實....

  7. 鐘意頂羊仔帽!好襯今年羊年 :)

  8. Your scene is lovely my dear Chloe! That little horse is so cute! I have the same problem as you! My garden is a mess. It's the ugliest of the neighborhood LOL But I have too much on my hands to do anything about it. Plus I hate gardening! Please take care of yourself and your little one first. The garden can wait :)

  9. Wonderful scene!! I wish I had a garden too =) One day I might just get that, until then I'll try growing some seeds on our balcony this year. I hope I'll be able to grow some salad and other things to eat, I think it will be fun for my daughter to help too. In a few years you and your baby can grow seeds together too =)

  10. Such a cute scene! I have that same Pokey figure, so cute! I enjoy gardening, but it is no easy task, I have had more failures than success. But the garden that you took those photos in looks beautiful to me!

  11. Thank you so much friends!! May you enjoy the spring.
