Re-ment Elementary-School Stationery

Compared to the previous Re-ment stationery set that I've introduced in one previous post, this one, directly translated as "Elementary-School Stationery", contains more Japanese cultural elements. Although it's amazingly detailed, you can see the previous set is generally about all kinds of student stationery which you may see in both Asia and Western countries. Both of the two sets have high quality. But I definitely need to introduce the background about this set more because of the cultural element. I don't know Japanese, but a few Japanese words are identical as Chinese characters. And I can relate to most of the things in the set because they were my childhood and my elementary school life as well.

1. Schoolbag
You can see two exercise books and a clarinet. And there are some small pieces of paper (I don't know what those are).

The blue book with the print of dog is used for teacher-parent contacts. It was like we record a list of homework in it when our teachers assigned daily and add a checkmark once we finish a line on the list. Each night parents took a look at the list and made sure we finished all the tasks and signed their name and left comment for the class teacher. The next day teacher will go through all the parents'signatures of the whole class and leave feedback if needed. Next to it is an exercise book for Japanese. Yes, just like American students have English class, we all have a class named our mother language. And I don't know if it's still like that, but when I was little, we were asked by school to learn a small music instrument. We could select between clarinet and harmonica. :)

2. "Four Treasures of the Study"
It generally means the writing brush, ink stick, ink stone and paper. In ancient east countries including China and Japan, calligraphy was a necessary capability for people who were considered as "educated" or "scholar". Of course our generation is not required to learn it but see it as a hobby, art and skill too.

This kit for calligraphy includes writing brush*2, inkstone, inkstick, ink bottle, water bottle, paperweight and a writing book which is more than 4 treasures and basically all you need to do calligraphy. Although calligraphy was not any more a necessary skill when we were little, we were regularly assigned writing-practice homework so we still had a similar kit at home like this mini one. We were not expected to reach an expert level or any good performance. It's really difficult to do it right without tons of practice. Teachers and parents asked us to do it so that we would learn to be patient, calm and persistence. It's a lesson more about character building than writing skill. Today some Chinese seniors are still very good at it. Like the current Chinese president, his calligraphy skill is very good.

3. Chemistry Lab
I have no idea what's this experiment about. Actually I didn't start to learn chemistry until junior school. But in high school we could choose either chemistry or physics as our main major. And I chose physics. After that I gave all my chemistry sense back to teacher and remembered nothing about it...

The round thing looks like a potato to me...And the purple thing in the test tube reminds me of iodine.

4. Music
I think it's like a toy instrument set that kids always have and play the little band with the playmates.

The little instruction book introduces different small instruments. Each page is different.

5. Kids' Meal
I heard in Japan kids are provided with milk at lunch. When I was in elementary school milk was given after two morning classes. And after another two morning classes we would have lunch. A snack would be provided in the afternoon.

I wonder what's in the small pink bag.

6. Picnic
Awww I love the pink rabbit lunchbox set. I will definitely buy one for my kid in the future since I am too old for that. :P

Pocky pocky pocky! Very popular snack in Japan and China.

Did I show you this photo? We have far more flavors in China than those in the Asian market here.

7. Abacus
It seems like another Asian thing in this box --abacus. But I don't have experience with it. Guess I was born too late when advanced technology appeared. But I know in some school abacus class is provided as a hobby. It's an old thing just like calligraphy. I like the cute pencil boxes and other small things in this set. I forgot including the snack when taking the photos.

8. After School
Skipping-rope, puzzle, snack, little cups, sketch book and color pens and a toy called "Tomy Wonderful Ring".

Tomy Wonderful Ring Google Picture:

9. My Treasures
A yellow panda cup, clock, electrical pencil sharpener, comic book and bookend, piggy bank and wishing bottles.

10. Sewing Kit
Unfortunately, unless you learned it by purpose, my generation in China didn't have any school class teaching sewing. My mom doesn't know it either so no one ever taught me how. But in Japan sewing class is very basic starting at a young age. What an important skill and I regret never to learn it. I could save so much on dolls' outfit if I knew how to sew.

I think this box is a great addition to the sewing machine in Re-ment French Sundries Set.

I hope you enjoy this set and the photos! :) 

I have many fond memories of elementary school life. I was always a good student, had lots of friends. My friends and I lived in the same neighborhood and went to school together. My favorite class was English and the teacher who taught it was my favorite at the time too. I was on TV once attending a contest. And swimming with friends in the summer break was the best time. But sadly all things were shadowed by an abusive female class teacher. I don't want to talk about her here to ruin my post though. But my elementary experience was so much painful because of her that even today I forgave her but never forgot...

Well, I think I may start another post to talk about it in the future...


  1. Love all the photos. Beautiful set ups :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 好好看啊
    袖珍不只濃縮了物品 還能將往日情感給帶回來
    像是書法組 像是按押式的水中投圈玩具
    那種將美麗童年的歡樂 在把玩食玩過程中 再度的浮現


    1. 是的 RM最可贵的就是把成长的回忆,文化的元素都融入玩具里,这种感情让玩家欲罢不能。

  4. 這幾set全部都好「正」!!
    特別鐘意書包個set :)

    1. 哈哈,可惜书包六分娃用好像太小,不过款式真的很逼真呢,有玩友找到过日本同款真人书包。

  5. O.O Wow, just wow! I'm sooo fascinated about those sets. They're so cute and detailed. The rabbit lunchbox really is adorable. I had a similiar one when I was a child :D. But all sets are so cute :)

    1. Thank you Kyra! It's lucky that you have a similar cute lunchbox in the childhood. We didn't need to bring lunch when we were young because school provided it, so I didn't own any lunchbox when I was little. :) Now I only use Lock N' Lock which is not cute at all...:P

  6. Love these sets and your photos and stories! Thanks so much for sharing. I was familiar with a lot of these things since I lived in Taiwan for a few years, but I don't know what the wishing bottles are. Can you please explain? Thanks! xo Jennifer

    1. Wow Jennifer! You told before that you went to Taiwan but I didn't know that you lived there for a few years. I am so glad that you have this experience, no wonder that you like cute things so much. Wishing bottle was once very popular among girls when we were little. It’s basically a mini glass bottle with colored sand and a little piece of paper in it. We would write down our wishes on the paper and either buried it under a tree or gave it to a boy whom we had crush on. :)

  7. Wow! How cute! I'm so sorry for not commenting on some of your previous posts, Im very bad at commenting on people's sites :( I love the 'My Treasures' set best, especially the yellow panda mug :D

    1. Hi Aranera! It's totally OK. I sometimes am very bad at commenting too. And the same here that I love the yellow mug it's so cheerful! :)

  8. You did an awesome review! I never knew it was so detailed! Those sets are really a treasure! I don't know calligraphy but it's really cool to see that mini set! I am sorry you had a bad teacher! There is always one bad apple that can ruin the basket. But you did well to forgive her :) Going back to the set, I think the high level of details is maybe not possible to accomplish today with the higher cost of production. I hope I am wrong though and that Re-ment will continue to produce something as great as this set!

    1. Thank you Jane. I was quite surprised that Re-ment had this mini calligraphy set because even me almost forgot about it in our culture. Chinese teachers are very strict because of the competitive educational system but this one was beyond the line. Yes she hit us and cursed us all the time which was very cruel. I agree that Re-ment has little chance back to the previous performance and I heard negative comments on the new 80’s set. I didn’t have time to open and check it yet.

  9. 這套配文具一齊SET場境會更豐富, 這套我以前沒有收, 之後每款收, 都算好彩價錢不太貴, 也集齊10款.

    1. 嘻嘻,我真怀疑你是不是只集齐十款,一定又重复购买很多经典款吧?!小屋早入食玩坑真是幸运啊,曾经Re-ment也算是价廉物美。。。现在无法回到过去了。:P

  10. Wow, so detailed and adorable! That little panda mug is to die for! I always love these reviews, your pictures make everything look so beautiful! :)))))

    1. Thank you for your nice comment Paige. I love the little panda mug too. It’s fun to play with Re-ment and share the review, but definitely not clean after it and try to organize and store everything reasonably. :P

  11. 這組KRIN也有,也非常喜歡,但總時能拿出來做食玩景比較少,但經CHLOE再介紹,又回想起來,尤其時那組SEWING KIT,KRIN初中三年也有"家政"課,各種各樣的女生SEWING, COOKING, KNITTING課也有,也很懷念....但好像現在未有,楓葉國這邊KRIN囝他們也未有這門課,(男生當然不是"家政",是木工課啦).....

    1. 很喜欢那组sewing,因为法国杂货的缝纫机配件真的不多,所以两组加在一起感觉会更丰富一些。大陆的学校不是很注重兴趣爱好的培养,高考的压力很大,双休日都要补课,确实也没有时间花在别的爱好上。好开心枫叶国的男孩可以学木工,其实数理化这些学到一定程度就不再实用,而缝纫,手工,木工,烹饪,体育,音乐,其他兴趣爱好真是有益终生而且实用。我没有什么爱好,玩具就是唯一的爱好了吧。好高兴能和你们分享。:)

    2. 絶對同意CHLOE說的,在學校原本不太受重視的科目,但其後卻覺得終生受用,如編織,游水等,這一些技能,在往後生活中就受用無限....

  12. Oh no! I keep seeing more and more Re-Ment sets on your blog that it's getting harder to control myself! My pocket can't handle so many collections but they are just soooo tempting! I love every single set you have reviewed here and I don't think I can pick a favourite ><
